Tired of dating? This is why!

The definition of dating is to go out with someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested. That is the reality; if you want romance, it is linked to intimacy or sex. The whole idea of looking for a soul mate, of having a checklist of qualities for others to be completed, of finding a perfect match and, finally, using the date as a test of the potential for a committed relationship just takes a lot of energy.The energy spent on what we expect and this way of thinking is what makes us tired.

How can we change this? Change the way you think about what dating means. Imagine a date as an encounter to meet new people, being open to what emerges. Sometimes you can develop a good friendship, get a lover, or maybe even a partner for a project. Drop your expectations, just feel what the true connection is and share what you are feeling. You will know what direction to take based on the connection, either intellectual, sexual, heart space, etc. Let all of that flow and life might surprose you.
