Drama is a distraction from life!

Our lack of connection to our feelings and emotions lead us to seek stimulant experiences to achieve a strong sense of feeling alive. We see action or scary movies; listen to music with lyrics about heartbreak. Tend to do things to avoid feeling fear, sadness, grief or any emotion that we don’t like. We surround ourselves with people who support our drama feeding our story. These patterns trigger feelings we haven’t expressed and create a bigger addiction to our drama.

Drama activates the neurotransmitters creating the emotion that we dislike and when we release that feeling activate the hormones that makes us feel good. There is no way to avoid emotions and feel everything, but in reality, drama drains our energy and prevents us from being in the moment -because we are in our minds.

Drama is a distraction from life. Leave drama for soap operas and experience life as it is, feel the full range of emotions and leave your stories behind.
