Stages of the chemistry of love!

Love is not only an emotion, energy or feeling; it is a chemical process. So it is difficult to control what we feel for someone with whom we have feelings of love. It is important to know how your neurological system works in the process of love, so that this infatuation becomes something more real.

Stages of love:

1.- Lust: when we meet someone or have that moment of connection, hormones flood the body with the sensation of intense desire. Adrenaline makes the heart beat faster and dopamine creates feelings of euphoria.

2.- Attraction: the brain activates the same part that creates pain and morphine hormones. This activation makes you pay attention to the other person or that it is mutual, and that both parties blind themselves to seeing the unwanted dynamics and patterns at the beginning of a relationship and that you only pay attention to the positives.

3.- Attachment: being in love, after a time and when the dopamine subsides, in an approximate period of up to three years depending on the chemistry of the couple, oxytocin is activated, which creates feelings of security and well-being.

Given that this is what happens in our brain, we can enjoy each stage and not see the changes as something that can ruin the relationship, but embrace the stage that you are living with awareness and know that what you feel is totally natural and It does not mean that something is wrong in your relationship.