How to increase your libido

Do you feel that your sexual desire has recently decreased or is it constantly low? Don't worry, millions of people feel the same way. And it has become common for many reasons these days. Libido has its natural ups and downs, there is much we can do to increase that desire and return to a new fire burning.

Although there are many ways, we will focus on the natural and safe ones, in which we have the power to change our sexual desire through healthy habits. For this we must consider that the factors are physical, mental and emotional.

Let's start with the physical.

In the first instance, food plays a crucial role. A poorly nutritious diet, loaded with refined products such as sugar, flour and salt, can have an impact on overall health and therefore on libido production. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables keeps the hormonal system in good condition. Vitamin C increases blood flow and can therefore support greater irrigation to the pelvic and genital areas. This and other essential vitamins are found in lemon, kiwi, and is commonly recommended alongside figs, bananas, and avocados, as well as broccoli, tomato, melon, papaya, pineapple, and spinach. All of these curiously have the characteristic of sexual forms. The consumption of foods rich in phenylalanine, a precursor of some neurotransmitters, helps a lot, such is the case of pure cocoa or dark chocolate, one of the most famous aphrodisiacs. Medicinal herbs like ginkgo biloba, and others like basil and garlic, may be helpful. If you like to drink, we recommend never more than one glass, preferably of red wine. Greater than that amount, it can affect circulation and sexual performance.

In the mental field, the impact of stress on sexual performance and libido has been known for many years. The more stress, the less interest in intimacy, and the less the ability to carry out sex naturally and passionately. For this, meditation is extremely valuable. The simple practice of deep and conscious breathing relaxes the body, going from a sympathetic to a parasympathetic response. In simple terms, it is going from “running away or fighting” to “relaxing and enjoying”, bringing body energy to the digestive and reproductive areas, that is, what makes us survive in the long term and not in the short term. Stress keeps us in constant tension that does not allow us to develop areas of enjoyment that we could otherwise enjoy.

As for daily habits, sunbathing and restful sleep are vital. Vitamin D is essential for hormonal and even emotional regulation. Taking a dose of sun a day maintains health and many basic bodily processes. In case of producing vitamin D for any health problem, it may be necessary to consume it as D3. When talking about sleep, we note that all the mechanisms of body restoration depend on good sleep. The better we rest, the better our libido.

Finally, it is super important to attend to the emotional world. My self-esteem and the way I love myself determines my sexual desire. When you feel good in your own body and there is self-acceptance, your hormone levels are more stable. If there is constant frustration in the relationship, or the relationship faces strong challenges, the body can hardly focus on generating pleasure. Resolving emotional wounds as well as conflicts with your partner can reawaken a sleeping sexual desire.

In general, care from all perspectives supports total well-being that is accompanied by healthy and expansive sexuality. So love yourself, relax, rest, eat well and enjoy.