Aphrodisiac fruits!


How delicious to eat a succulent fruit over the body of your loved one. It's so sexy that it makes us hungry for more. These are our top fruits that will enhance your libido for either morning sex or a romantic night, keeping you healthy and well nourished.

Lychee: Contains potassium, copper and vitamin c, all this minerals and vitamins benefit sexual health.

Banana: The major component is potassium, vitamin B and magnesium, which supports our neurotransmitters to activate our libido and enhance our wellbeing.

Figs: Contains beta-carotene in abundance, it helps level out estrogen imbalances and aids in the production of sex hormones. It also supports deflating the breasts in the menstrual period.

Cacao: The seed of this fruit is the one used to create chocolate. It has high amounts of theobromine and phenylalanine, helping vasodilation, which supports erection and increase libido. It also increases the secretion of serotonin, giving that feeling of pleasure and well-being.

Strawberries: Supports the endocrine glands and the nervous system. It is also very practical to eat directly on your partner.

Avocado: Its name comes from "aguacatl" which means "testicle" in Nahuatl. Not only is your pulp very rich in noble fats and vitamins that support the secretion of sex hormones, your seed can also be taken, when grated or cut, and boiled in water for 5 minutes.

Mango: Also contains lots of beta-carotene. It is also known to provide tryptophan, pleasure hormone.

 Cherry: Since it increases the oxygenation by its content of Vitamin B, it is considered aphrodisiac.

Honey: Although not a fruit, it goes well with them and they're usually eaten together. Honey provides a lot of energy, and also contains a good amount of boron, useful for raising testosterone and quickly reaching orgasm.