5 keys to the best sex ever


We all desire to have good sex. Sex can be fun, inspiring, energizing and nurturing. These are the 5 keys to make that happen.

1- Safety: In order to be open and to fully surrender to our pleasure we need to feel safe with the other person. Safety is created through connection, foreplay and communication about your desires and sexual health.

 2-Connection: Creating ways to connect during foreplay are the key to sync with the other person. Use your breath, movement, touch and gaze to tune with your partner.

3- Empathy: Get out of your own experience and feel into your partner. Be aware of what they enjoy and notice their movements, sounds and breath. They tell you how their body is reacting to that stimulation.

4-Slow down: If you want long lasting sex, we need to slow down. Slow sex allows us to enjoy and feel even the subtle stimuli and to discover our partners’ details.

 5- Get out of your head: Thought forms are the ones that block our pleasure. If we stop thinking and be present with what is happening, we can flow and let ourselves express our sexuality with no fears.

Remember sex is not just about penetration, it's everything that involves that moment. Practice and enjoy!