Live Experiences



The Wisdom of Freedom

2 DAY INTENSIVE. FROM 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

The power of freedom is an experience that is all about YOU. We will cultivate our erotic awareness so we can use our sexual power and womb wisdom to transform our lives and create what we really want and long for. We are free when we can be and express ourselves fully beyond our social conditioning and limiting beliefs. Freedom is an attribute that is cultivated through self-care, self-love and energetic space. Enjoy this transformational event in which you will explore self-love, radical acceptance, and gain skills to clear and connect with your sexuality and power. 

Womb wisdom.

Womb clearing.

Moon archetypes.

Connection meditations.

Breath flow.

Intimacy practices.

Limiting beliefs clearing.

Sex energy basics.

The Path to the Ways of Pleasure.

2 DAY INTENSIVE. FROM 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

The path to pleasure is an inner experience where we cultivate our erotic awareness, so we are able to feel and tune into pleasure in our inner world and in life. In this intensive we will tap into our own wisdom deepening our pleasure, intimacy and self-love. We will discover energetic orgasmic awareness, self-connection practices and the power of orgasmic energy. We will explore in a safe environment the keys of sexual energy and flow practices that will allow us to transform our lives.

Sex energy practices.

The art of orgasmic awareness.

Intimacy practices.

Breath flow.

Light flow.

From pleasure to healing.

Meditation on self-love

Limiting beliefs clearing about pleasure.

Dance meditation.

Pleasure as a Healing Modality.

1 DAY INTENSIVE. FROM 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

This advanced class is designed to go deeper in the discovery of orgasmic energy and pleasure as a healing modality. With this powerful energy we can heal emotional wounds, dissolve trauma and pain, heal physical symptoms and align our energy field. This is a deep transformational space that we all have access to. You will learn a few techniques for self-healing and a basic protocol to keep your vibration in the state of healing flow.

*This level requires either the intensive of The Path to the Ways of Pleasure or The Wisdom of Freedom.

Session protocol.

Create the space for healing. Rituals.

SOS - Spontaneous Orgasmic streaming.

Basics of repair therapy.

Self-healing practices.

Quantum touch.

Language of touch

1 DAY INTENSIVE. FROM 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

This intensive is designed to become a skilled hands-on lover and nourisher. We will go deeper into the language of touch and learn tools to communicate with others through this fascinating sense.

six kinds of touch.

Self-care for touch.

Yorgasmic sensual massage.

Healing touch.

Body energy maps.



Energetic Intimacy: Align yourself for powerful connections.

DURATION: 2 hours.

In this experience you will use your erotic mindfulness to learn the powerful secrets of a deep and fulfilling connection. You will explore with your body language and energetic reality so you can become aware of the nature of the connection and to harness your empathy and intimacy with others. By practicing non-verbal modes of communication such as hugs, energetic touch and eye gazing practices, you will discover how easy and fun it is to nourish your relationships and feel empowered, loved and happy.

Language of Touch: From Pleasure to Healing.

duration 2 hours.

How would you like to be touched and touch others? Learn the different nuances between softness and vigor and the possibilities of energetic transmissions that touch can bridge among bodies. Learn the six different modalities of touch and become skilled at nourishing this important aspect of ourselves. Explore with pleasure and open the possibilities for healing.

Breath Flow: Orgasmic Breathing.

duration 75 minutes.

Your breath is a very powerful tool, with the power to transform your life. This session is a journey through the art of orgasmic breath. Through various techniques, we will activate, harmonize, energize, and clear our energetic field to access a higher state of consciousness and flow. In this flow, we can experience greater creativity, awareness, focus, pleasure and freedom. This practice is part of the Yorgasmic Method.




The Yorgasmic Method Retreat

duration 5 days.

This is a 5-day retreat in which you will gather with the Yorgasmic community and practice all that you learned in the Yorgasmic Method and Yorgasmic Connect. It is only for those who have completed any of these two parts of the Method.