Energetic attraction

Sexual attraction is an immeasurable topic. Over the centuries it has been studied by different scientific, academic, spiritual, poetic and mystical disciplines that have tried to disarticulate it to always reach conclusions that are too short. It would be very simple to arrive at reductionist responses that indicate that attraction is an evolutionary imperative for the propagation of our species, since there are so many undetermined factors that generate indecipherable magnetisms among us humans, beings of extreme complexity with the eternal challenge of overcoming our most basic impulses.

For the purposes of this blog, we can start by giving a premise, sexual attraction is almost always reproductive, not precisely to conceive a new human being; but yes to conceive new mental ideas, neural connections,  emotional states and new human connections. Sex is what unites two and makes another, it is a cosmic fractal of the Big Bang in which the fusion of two elements with emerging properties will always create a new one.

Under this premise, we navigate the world looking for connections by a natural call, a cosmic call. Starting from our sexual awakening, we advance through the haze of the unconscious and from our beardless aesthetic lust we find: eyes, lips, silhouettes, torsos and legs that create models of what we consider beauty. All these molds are crystallized mentally and then broken by the next appearance that we find attractive.

This hard teaching opens up a wealth of possibilities, sharpens our sense of appreciation and therefore opens up a range of potential partners. The double edge of this precious moment is that it starts an eternal fantasy engine. Sex can hardly ever be removed from fantasy and from a whole load of mental processes that also seem to be shared in the deepest intimacy of interlocking bodies.

In our era, in which promiscuity is increasingly easy to access, sex seems to be a right. But although having sexual interactions is relatively easy, perhaps due to a mental and spiritual factor, doing so does not necessarily produce the desired well-being. To take, is to choose, which means knowing how to perceive compatibility with a person so that the meeting has a beneficial potential for both parties. Society and culture make sexuality for many dissociated from their own reality, incessantly devoured by an unattainable and insatiable fantasy, promoting the dissociation of our own body, which is the vehicle of both sexual ecstasy and mystical ecstasy. Sexuality as a conscious expression can only be achieved through a certain compatibility, a certain discipline, a certain purity and even energetic refinement.

Human beings have a bioenergetic field which is interfered with by physical contact and the flow of emotions. A door that is difficult to close opens if we believe that energy exists as a subtle body, a sexual encounter can become the maximum stage of energy exchange that we can access, and on its use depends on choosing the right person.

The exercise of perception opens up the possibility of sexual selection, in the same way that evolution carries out a natural selection of the most suitable. By knowing how to recognize the vibrations of a person, which in most cases happens intuitively, we can cut the filter of mere physical attraction with an ax to establish a deeper connection. If we do not subscribe in the open field of bioenergy, but we commune with the theory of epigenetics, which maintains that there is a transmission of genetic information that comes from the environment and from the experiences we live, it makes it necessary to seek conscious attention in our sexual selection. This same interaction has a chemical manifestation because in the world of biochemistry, diversity reigns. Our body, conscious or unconscious, is perennially making a mating selection considering various factors other than physical attractiveness, ranging from the exchange of fragrant hormones, to the chronic blocking of instinctual responses, and these signals generally become a noise cognitive that fails to articulate the erotic clarity of the natural drive, characteristic of organic rhythms.

The encounter with higher symbiotic experiences requires frequency compatibility and acute self-knowledge, in addition to a broad illustration of our vehicle of perception, since having sex is in some way uniting us with the person with whom we have sex.